Bulk SMS

Benefits of using Broadcast Messaging in your Marketing Strategy

SMS broadcast messaging offers numerous benefits for marketing campaigns. It is cost-effective and efficient, reaching clients with just a few clicks and delivering better results ...

We’ve learned in our last blog post all about broadcast messaging, and some of the most popular uses companies and businesses like to give to it. Now, we would like to keep learning about broadcast messaging, but, focusing on the amazing benefits it provides to marketing campaigns.

Not all businesses are ready to jump into using this amazing marketing channel, as they still have doubts regarding the benefits and the possible outcomes after they run some SMS marketing campaigns through broadcast messaging. However, we’re here to list and show all businesses out there the benefits of implementing SMS broadcast messaging as a marketing tool!

Relationship between cost & Efficacy:

When comparing the effort it takes to reach each one of your clients by any other marketing channel like emailing, cold calls, printed mailing promotions and so on, versus a few clicks to upload your phone database and click ‘send campaign, we can definitely say that broadcast messaging is faster and therefore more effective. Also, SMS marketing campaigns count with an incredible open rate of 98%, and a return of investment rate of 80% compared with email campaigns! To resume, broadcast texting gives you much better results for your money than almost any other marketing method. When you use bulk SMS providers or services, sending an SMS to more than a thousand clients can be easily handled within 2 minutes or less.

Worldwide reach:

As the vast majority of people in the world count with a mobile phone device, and SMS services does not require from internet data access to work, you can easily reach every single one of your clients, no matter where they are, and no matter what kind of messaging service they use, as SMS services are preinstalled in all mobile devices out there. Forget about having to investigate which are your clients’ preferred social networks, or which messaging service they use the most (whatsapp, viber, telegram, facebook messenger, and so on). With SMS broadcast marketing campaigns, you’ll be able to contact all your clients at the same time, even if they’re in different continents!

High Visibility:

The average time a person spends on their smartphone per day is almost 3 hours, and it seems it’s not going down anytime soon. Also, SMS open rates are 98% within the first 3 minutes of message being received. Almost no one ignores an SMS once it’s retrieved. Furthermore, you won’t be competing against the spam filters that most email marketing campaigns should pass in order to get clients’ attention.

Easy customization of your SMS campaigns:

Usually people tend to respond much better when the marketing campaigns are addressed to them by name and even better if the campaigns are personalized according to the customer’s favorite products, buying habits and more. The more customized a marketing campaign is, the best results it will get in return. With SMS broadcast messaging marketing campaigns, sending customized SMS texts to each of your customers is quite simple. By collecting and using clients data like name, birthday, address, order dates, products purchased, and more, you can easily insert personal information into all of your messages with just a few clicks.

We’re just listing some of the main benefits, but there are much more of course, depending on your business line. However, no matter what type of business you run, any kind of business can get enormous benefits with the usage of SMS marketing campaigns.

If you’re willing to give SMS broadcast campaigns a try, SixFive can help you in no time! Our friendly and easy to use technology allows our clients to easily send their bulk SMS campaigns in just a few clicks, with the best market prices. We also have worldwide route coverage, so you can reach your clients anywhere in the world! Contact us now, we’ll be pleased to help.

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